Monday, June 15, 2009

Show is a GO

Well, after a lot of confusion everything has been 0k'd for the show. I decided not to show in it after all the trouble I went through trying to get is ok'd.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Frustraiting Trying to Set up Art Show

I can not believe how much work I have put into our local art groups upcoming one day art show. I thought that I had found a perfect spot for it in the middle of a nice historic hotels lobby. The hotel is now mainly lofts that are rented out.

I talked to the leasing manager several time and thought I had every thing worked out and he even agreed that we could have the show. But to find out later I guess one of the restaurants in the building has the rights to the leasing of even the lobby. The owner of the restaurant said he had to check things out before he could approve the show.

What makes me made is that the leasing agent should of known better then to agree to us having the show, if it was his place to do so. So I'm basically a sitting duck waiting for the restaurant owner to get back to me.

Ive done a lot to get things prepared for this show and was really looking forward to it. I will not give up even if we have to find a different location. So hopefully things will turn out ok.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Been Busy

Ive been real busy and haven't had a chance to keep up with the blog. The weather is beautiful and Im also looking for a new place to live with hopefully a second bedroom to use as a studio.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun day, went to a Gallery Showing

I had a fun evening. I went to the Des Moines Social Club that also has a Art Gallery and they had a new Art Showing and I have jewelry in there for sale. I just got my first check. It was only 50 some dollars but at least Im selling. I hope to make more interesting jewelry that I will be able to sell for more. I also want to get into more shops and galleries.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I hope that every one had a great Easter.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Art Group Meeting Tonight

Well the art group that I started a little over a year ago just had our monthly meeting. There we some good and bad things both about the meeting. I'm tired of people complaining about the group. Its like well then you can take my place as being disabled. lol We got past all the bad stuff and really got some new ideas started. the website url for the group is and my personal site is

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just bought new supplies to make jewelry

Jewelry is one of my arts and I just went out this last weekend and bought some reall stunning supplies to make jewelry with. Please check out my etsy site.